


Research & Production Firm «Pribor-T»
Educational Research Laboratory of Laser Technics & Technology
Saratov State Technical University.

1, Panfilova st., Saratov, 410033, Russia,
Tel.: +7 (8452) 57-26-44, 47-98-53, 77-27-11
Fax: +7 (8452) 57-26-44

Research & Production Firm “Pribor-T” SSTU

Created in 1997 on the basis of Educational-research laboratory of laser technics and technology (ERL LTT), Saratov State Technical University.

Since 2007 Center of Collective Utilization “Laser and Optical Technologies of the Volga Region” (CCU “L&OTVR”) functions on the basis of RPF “Pribor-T”. It was created within the framework of Federal purpose-oriented program (FPOP) «Research and development works on priority directions of developing of a scientific and technical complex of Russia for 2007-2012» (State Contract # 02.552.11.7021 dated 08.05.2007)

In 2014, within the framework of the project “Strategic Development Program of SSTU” (Providing the state order № 58-50 EA/14) the complex of picosecond laser equipment has been purchased. The complex includes: laser Rapid 6, COHERENT, USA; scanator, RayLase, Germany. Equipment cost 8500000 rubles. Laser has been launched, lasing characteristics have been obtained . The complex is placed in the CCU “LiOTP” on the areas of ERLL LTT. Currently RPF “Pribor-T” develops a special bearing design and interface device that connects optical scanators and laser control unit

Directions of activity

Laser technics and technology

  • development of laser technologies and the equipment for electrovacuum and semi-conductor manufacture, branches of precision instrument making, exact mechanical engineering;
  • manufacturing of individual samples and small series of the equipment;
  • modernization of the laser equipment available at the Customer;
  • services on laser processing;
  • qualitative and quantitative elemental emission spectral analysis.




Congrats to our engineer Dmitry Bessonov with successful defending of the PhD-thesis!

Participation in the exhibition PHOTONICS. WORLD OF LASERS AND OPTICS'2015, 16-19 March 2015

RPF "Pribor-T" took part in PHOTONICS. WORLD OF LASERS AND OPTICS'2015, Moscow, Russia . In the frameworks of the exhibition the Competition for the best domestic developments in laser equipment and laser-optical technologies was held. The project of RPF "Pribor-T" "Development of technological principles of laser forming of nonincandescent microwave amplifiers with instant availability of time, with compression of the electron beam on the basis of the matrix of carbon cathodes formed on a spherical surface" was awarded with Diploma of II degree.

On October 28 we became more!

Congrats to the engineer Ivan Popov with newborn baby boy!

Participation in All-Russian Forum «Educational medium 2014», 21-24 October 2014

RPF "Pribor-T" in Gagarin SSTU delegation took part in All-Russian Forum «Educational medium 2014», Moscow, Russia. The project "Teaching-research facilities on the basis of a number of basic laser processing equipment for educational and industrial processes" was awarded with Diploma №185.